Daily Archives: April 27, 2013

Summer lessons and activities for High School students.


There has been a lot written about the importance of continuing learning over the summer months. Many decades of research shows that students often lose a large portion of what they have learned the previous year. This, however, can be circumvented by extending learning over the summer. Summer classes and lessons can also aid in getting a student head of the next school year, thus giving them an edge on the rest of their peers. We have gathered some great resources to help you prevent a “lazy summer” for your child.

3 Tips for Parents to Engage Teens in Summer Learning – Summer learning loss is not a new or complicated phenomenon. After students spend most of the year cooped up in classrooms and studying for tests, most of them are ready for a break when May and June come along. But this drop-off in learning can hurt students. Taking summer courses is an option that can give students an edge.

There are a variety of free courses available for all areas and abilities. There are 1000’s of free courses designed to provide educational opportunities to help students progress during the summer months, when traditional schools observe summer break. Some of our favorite options are Udacity, Coursea and Saylor.